Letter to the Editor: Council Leadership Should Be Sustained


Balboa Island and Balboa Peninsula owe deep gratitude to this City Council for fighting the Federal Government the past two years.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency changed its flood maps to include all of Balboa Island and much more of the Peninsula. This would have increased insurance premiums by millions of dollars every year.

But the City Council fought back. They hired attorneys. They hired engineers. They appealed. And they won. How often do you hear of a City fighting back against the Federal Government and winning?

This leadership under Mayors Muldoon and Duffield have saved our residents an extraordinary amount of money. This is the kind of leadership that should be sustained.  I will be voting for the Council that cares for its residents’ fiscal well-being. I’ll be voting for Duffy, Dixon, Muldoon, and Peotter.


Peter C. Pallette

Newport Beach