Letter to the Editor: Council Candidates Should Listen to the Community

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As the Past Chair of the Newport Beach Host Town Committee for Special Olympics and director for many local community service organizations, I was a little shocked to read the letter by Tim Stephan’s stating that: “Kevin Muldoon has shown little interest for the community.”

He is actively involved in many Newport Beach activities including in our Inclusive Program to support disabled veterans, senior citizens and supporting athletes with physical and intellectual disabilities. He volunteered to be on our Special Olympic Host Town Committee in 2014.

Mr. Muldoon’s vision and support were instrumental in Newport Beach being chosen as a site for the 2020 Hansa World Cup. Mr.  Muldoon also spearheaded the program to make our city buildings accessible to the hearing impaired.

Kevin Muldoon is extremely active in our community. He has spent countless hours supporting Special Olympics and numerous Rotary Projects as a member of the Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club. He has also participated in the Meals in a Box program to help feed hungry veterans in Southern California and our Helmets in a Box program to educate our youth on helmet safety programs.

Please know that a vote for Kevin Muldoon is a vote for a committed and productive community leader for the great city of Newport Beach.


Steve Bender

Newport Beach

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