Letter to the Editor: A Positive Note for Noah Blom


Where do I begin?

I have read letters to the editor that have elaborated on the strong and weak points of both candidates for city council representing District 5 of Newport Beach. After reading some of the negative comments that have been published, I would like to offer a positive note.

I want to say that Noah Blom is the most enthusiastic and positive person that I know. He makes a point of learning from his mistakes. He always listens to people that differ from his opinions. He and his wife, Marin, have created two very popular restaurants out of nothing, originally working on a shoestring.

His businesses have survived this pandemic crisis by operating with a positive approach, not one of fear. He is not afraid to think out of the box and encourages others to contribute their ideas. He gets things done that others say can’t be done. He does this with a smile and a light heartedness that is contagious.

He never bullies anyone or acts with anger when someone disagrees with him. He never calls people names or swears at them. On the contrary, he asks people who criticize him to meet so they can discuss their differences. I think this is what we want from a person representing us and our causes.

When I was a young second lieutenant in the army during Vietnam, my commanding office gave me some good advice when I told him that I was worried that some of the men under my command had much longer careers than I did.

He said: “They might have four years in service, but what good is it if it’s one year four times?”

We as a city need to be led by someone who is not afraid of challenges, someone who knows how to get people to work together. We need to be led by someone who has a life, has diversity and who isn’t just average.

John L. Blom, proud father of Noah Blom, 39 year businessman in Corona del Mar, past president of the CdM Business Improvement District