Letter to the Editor: A ‘No’ Vote for Kevin Muldoon as OC Supervisor


Newport Beach City Councilman Kevin Muldoon is running for OC Supervisor, but his actions in Newport Beach have been so egregious that he should never hold another elected office.

When he voted to allow an exception to Newport’s long standing development plan and approve the high rise Museum House tower, he also knew that residents would seek to qualify a referendum calling for a special election on the project.

He very intentionally undermined our democratic right to challenge his vote by requiring that 3,700 unnecessary pages be added to each referendum petition, costing proponents $40,000 just to print the petitions. He fully expected this to stop the referendum in its tracks.

The right to petition our government is a precious right, but not to Mr. Muldoon.  Ironically, Senator Moorlach later passed a law preventing future unethical city councils from repeating this travesty.

If you prefer a politician with a proven track record of ignoring democratic rights and throwing constituents under the bus, Mr. Muldoon just may be your guy.

Susan Skinner / Newport Beach