Letter to the Editor: Peotter Diatribe Lacking Christmas Spirit


Council member Scott Peotter isn’t content with Keith Curry no longer on the council. No, Mr. Peotter’s Christmas Op/Ed message (NB Indy, Dec. 23) isn’t about Christ’s message of love and understanding. It is not to wish us all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He somehow needs to launch into a detailed diatribe at his now departed former council member. Such class. Such honor. Is this the best use of your time?

What was your objective Mr Peotter? Mr Curry is no longer on the council. What purpose other than for your own personal need for vengeance?

Point of clarification: The “Vote for Ameri” signs in Farsi were made and paid for not by the candidate but by his opposition. Could that be you Mr Peotter? It was a blatant act of deception calling into question the background of candidate Ameri. It may not be illegal but it is despicable. Then again my guess is it doesn’t bother you in the least.

I am surprised the Independent published such a vindictive piece, especially during the Holidays, unless of course the intent was to show us how small and petty is the character of Mr. Peotter. If that was the case, good job.

 John Lindseth

Corona del Mar