Letter to the Editor: McCaffrey Wrong About Peotter


Bob McCaffrey, the political boss of Team Newport, recently wrote in support of Scott Peotter.

We last heard from Bob when he acted as a shill for Dave Ellis and Peotter’s disgraceful efforts to deny residents the right to referend the Museum House project. Bob filed a Fair Political Practices Commission complaint against project opponents that was quickly rejected as being without merit.

Bob McCaffrey, who shares Peotter’s high rise vision for our city, considers Peotter a “Fiscal Conservative.” Fiscal conservative? Peotter changed the rules so that a person who would later be convicted of embezzlement could be put on the finance committee. He wants to speculate in the stock market with our tax dollars, and he collects paychecks from four public agencies.

Keith Curry is one councilman, how did he block the initiatives of the four vote Team Newport majority? I guess pointing out embarrassing facts and being able to do math was too much for Scotty and Team Newport.

Last week Peotter was supporting Pickle Ball, and he flip flopped and now wants to support the Corona del Mar Library and Fire Station. I guess he is feeling the heat from the recall. 

 Lori Morris

Balboa Peninsula