Letter to the Editor: Don’t Take Away Off-Leash Privileges


I firmly feel that taking away off-leash privileges for our four-legged family members is not fair or necessary. As a dog owner, it is such a wonderful feeling to make your best friend happy, and to see pure delight on his face literally wipes away any grime from my work week; it is something that I look forward to almost weekly.  

This area is a place where so many kind and responsible dog owners can enjoy the beautiful surroundings of our area without fear or concern for the safety of our pups. My dog, Charley Meatball, is so happy every time I un-leash him on that beach and to experience that joy is unlike any other.  

Please don’t allow this to be taken away from us! The world needs more of these areas and to remove it would be damaging to the community.

Christine, Sam and Charley Meatball

Newport Beach