Letter: Clean Up Newport, No Dog Beach


Editor’s Note: This letter was sent to the Newport Beach City Council. It has been added to the Indy mailbag so that opinions from both sides of the issue are represented in the forum. 

I am a homeowner in Newport Beach.  I am outraged to hear that there is talk of the River Jetties beach becoming an official dog park.  I am a dog owner and love animals!  There are 3 really big problems in regards to the River Jetties right now.  There is no parking all day long, scary dogs of leash and TONS OF DOG POOP!

The parking in this area is already such a HUGE problem, I cannot imagine if this became an official dog park.  It would be chaos.  During the day there is absolutely no parking on the street.  It is overrun with people coming to walk their dogs illegally all day long.  Why aren’t we spending money to monitor this side of the beach, put signs up stating the laws that dogs should be on leash and only before 10:00 am and after 4:00 pm.?  

Its scary for me to take my kids to this side of the beach because people have digs off leash and they come running up to the kids and scare them to death!  This is dangerous!!!  

There is dog poop all over the beach and the streets.  As a homeowner in Newport Beach I pay huge taxes to the city but have to deal with poopy beaches! Newport is spending all of this money to clean up the city, build a Marina, attract visitors, but poopy, dangerous beaches where you can’t even find a parking spot will not attracts visitors!   


Thank you for listening.

Lisa Li

Newport Beach