Knots of Love Sends Relief to Southern Storm Victims


Knots of Love (KOL), a Newport Beach based non-profit organization that distributes free, handmade caps to chemotherapy centers throughout North America, has donated some of its caps to the storm victims in the Southern states.

“Our charity has begun shipping packages of hand knit and crochet beanies and blankets to shelters for disaster victims in Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina. We are blessed to have so many committed members providing us with enough caps to help the storm victims and to continue sending to our 250 cancer treatment centers at the same time,” said KOL founder Christine Fabiani-Shively.

Knots of Love founder Christine Fabiani-Shively (left) and volunteer Caroline Fish display the caps that are headed to the storm victims in the South.

The Knots of Love’s mission is to warm the hearts and heads of those experiencing traumatic hair loss, and also to mobilize to aid emergency situations when needed.

“We are a dedicated group throughout the United States who knit and crochet caps with love,” Fabiani-Shively said “This act of kindness fills a need which is often overlooked. Our handmade creations are distributed free of charge – one cap at a time.”

Visit to become a member, donate caps or cash and learn more about the organization.

Read more about the Knots of Love organization here.