Jr. Lifeguard Learns Courage

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A sign summer is really ending in Newport Beach: 1,250 Newport Beach Junior Lifeguards graduated this week. Congratulations are in order. They make our city proud.

We see them every summer – a sea of red bathing caps, and red swimsuits running up the beach, on their bikes wearing matching backpacks crossing the Balboa Ferry, or like a line of ants swimming from one buoy to the next.

Caroline Lerner had to overcome her fear of the ocean to complete the Jr. Lfieguards’ Super Vitamin C Race.

As the summer of 2011 fades, it will take its place in a lineup of kids’ memories defined by Jr. Lifeguard moments, private jokes, milestones and friendships.

Just becoming eligible for the program is an achievement. Months before summer, on cold winter nights, the Newport Beach YMCA pool is overflowing with kids training to shave a few seconds off their swim time to qualify for Jr. Lifeguards.

For one candidate, 10-year-old Caroline Lerner, this meant swimming 100 yards in 1 minute and 45 seconds. Last year she did not make it and she was determined to do it this year.

There was one other hurdle for Caroline, though. She was terrified of the ocean and had not been in past her knees.

Caroline’s mom, Holly Lerner did not want to make waves (pun intended) but she did feel she should let the lifeguards know that for Caroline, this was a terrifying experience. She approached them feeling a bit embarrassed, but the lifeguards immediately put Holly at ease.

She was met with assurance that Caroline would get individualized help and the attention she needed to feel safe and successful.

Enter Lifeguard Mr. Newton, who together with Caroline’s group leader, Mrs. Beebe, made Caroline feel that she was safe and never alone. Mr. Newton held her hand and together they dove under the waves the proper way. He swam next to her and made sure she knew she couldn’t fail. Caroline learned how to read the ocean and there was no victory too small to be celebrated.

Just before graduation, there was one last competition day and the infamous Super Vitamin C Race – the hardest competition of the summer.

Caroline thought she better sit this one out. Mr. Newton knew she could do it, and helped her find the courage to try. It has been said courage is being afraid of something and doing it anyway.

Caroline finished the Super Vitamin C Race!

When the day ended her mom said she will never forget the look on her face. “She came in the car smiling from ear to ear.”

Caroline went from being terrified to just being a little frightened of the ocean in six  weeks, a tremendous achievement that she can build upon in every area of her life.

Caroline understands the change that took place within her through participating in Jr. Guards this summer. She told her mom, “I did this… I can do anything now.”


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