Charity Spotlight: Jofit Fashion Fundraiser Benefits First Tee

From left to right: Jessica Hasselbeck, a First Tee of Orange County Participant, and her mother Rose learn more about the founding of JoFit from company Founder and CEO Joanne Cloak.

More than 100 golfers and active-lifestyle enthusiasts joined Jofit founder Joanne Cloak for an evening of fashion and fundraising at the Jofit retail store in Newport Beach on Friday, August 18.

Jofit, a leading manufacturer of high-quality golf, tennis and athleisure apparel, generously hosted an event that raised nearly $4,000 for The First Tee of Orange County, a youth development organization that uses golf as a platform to teach young people life skills and core values such as Perseverance, Integrity, Honesty and Confidence.

The First Tee of Orange County youth participants and board members modeled the new Jofit collection for guests, including Jessica Hasselbeck, age 11, selected for her dedicated volunteerism to beautify The Islands Golf Center in Anaheim, home to The First Tee of Orange County. 

Reni Vidovich, board vice president of The First Tee of Orange County and leading volunteer fundraiser for the organization also walked the Jofit runway. Nearby businesses co-sponsoring the event included Tommy Bahama and Baker & Olive.

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