Insider’s Guide for the Newport Beach City Council Meeting on Sept. 22


By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Our next City Council meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 22. Items that may be of interest are highlighted below. The entire agenda, and all reports, can be viewed at

There will be a Closed Session at 4 p.m. and there is no Study Session. The Regular Meeting begins at 5 p.m. The following are items of note:

  • There will be a presentation by Southern California Edison on Wildfire Prevention and Mitigation Strategies. With the many fires in California, Edison will provide an update on their efforts to protect infrastructure and property.

On the Consent Calendar:

  • The Sculpture Garden pathways will be getting a facelift as the City received a State grant to replace the walkways with a more durable material for the many visitors who enjoy the art in the park.
  • The Public Works Department continues to provide high quality maintenance throughout the community. Council will consider two contracts, one to maintain medians and roadsides and one to maintain and clean sidewalks, piers and public areas.

Public Hearings include:

  • The City receives Federal Community Development Block Grant funds and is required to report on the expenditures on an annual basis. This public hearing is a report on the revenues received and how the City spent those funds.
  • The City Council will consider a resolution modifying the fees for short-term lodging permits. The initial fees are proposed to increase from $104 to $169 and the renewal permit is proposed to increase from zero to $96. The increases are necessary due to additional review by City staff and a new 24/7 hotline service for short-term lodging complaints.

Current Business includes:

  • Changes to the Municipal Code regarding Oceanfront Boardwalk Safety Program. This proposal includes action items from the City Council Study Session in February 2020 concerning electric bicycles on the Oceanfront Boardwalk. For Council consideration is an update to the Municipal Code to include modes of transportation on the boardwalk that are not currently included, increase fines for violations along the boardwalk and provide additional traffic calming devices along the Boardwalk. Staff is also seeking further direction on implementing a prohibition of motorized or other transportation devices, including electric bicycles, on the Oceanfront Boardwalk.