Insider’s Guide for the Newport Beach City Council Meeting on March 9, 2021

City Manager Grace Leung

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Our next City Council meeting is Tuesday, March 9. Items that may be of interest are highlighted below. The entire agenda, and all reports, can be viewed at

There will be a Study Session at 4 p.m.:

  • City staff will present an overview of the City’s code enforcement program. The presentation will include code enforcement data, procedures, the top complaints received, and enforcement of short-term lodging regulations.
  • Preliminary Capital Improvement Projects will be reviewed and discussed by the Council. This will be an “early look” at potential new projects and proposed funding for the 2021-22 fiscal year.

The Regular Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. The Public Hearing items of note:

  • In a public hearing continued from the February 23 Council meeting, Council will review a proposed zoning code amendment that would allow wine tasting rooms within an industrial zone. The industrial zone is located in the southwest area of the City, near 16th Street and Placentia Avenue. The current zoning limits eating and drinking establishments to take-out service and caps indoor seating at six people. The amendment would allow businesses to sell and serve wine, and allow expanded seating capacity based on parking availability and building and fire codes.
  • Council review and potential approval of a conceptual design and funding plan for a new Newport Beach Junior Lifeguard Building, to be constructed south of the Balboa Pier. The review will include an updated conceptual plan and exterior architectural style, environmental document, cost estimate, and funding agreement with the Newport Beach Junior Lifeguard Foundation. Staff is also requesting Council approval to prepare a Coastal Development Permit application and seek bids for construction. Under the proposal before the Council, the $4.9 million building would be funded with $2.05 million from the City’s General Fund, $1.75 million from the Foundation, and $1.1 million captured over the next several years by eliminating the participant fee subsidy. If approved, the building will replace a temporary Junior Lifeguard facility and provide space for City recreational programs and facility rentals in the Junior Lifeguard off-season.