By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager
Our next City Council meeting is Tuesday, January 12. Items that may be of interest are highlighted below. The entire agenda, and all reports, can be viewed at https://www.newportbeachca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/64234/72.
There will be a Study Session at 4 p.m.:
- The Council will review and discuss a traffic calming study for the Mariners and Dover Shores neighborhoods, along with proposed improvements. City staff will provide results of the study, which included traffic speeds, traffic volumes, accident history, and cut-through traffic in the neighborhoods. The final report presents a plan for City Council consideration that would include installation of speed cushions and edge-line striping to address traffic concerns. The report can be viewed at https://newportbeachca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument?id=67231.
- The Council will receive an update on the Harbor Commission’s review of Harbor Code Title 17, Marine Activities Permit, and recommended revisions to the code. Marine Activity Permits are required for businesses that operate some portion of their businesses on the water.
The Regular Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. The following are items of note:
On the Consent Calendar:
- Council members will consider a 25-year lease extension with the Orange County Water District for the use of a waterline linking Newport Beach to groundwater sources in Fountain Valley. The lease agreement was originally signed in 1991, and Newport Beach began using the connection in 1996, following upgrades. The waterline has become a critical part of the City’s water system, allowing for access to less expensive groundwater sources and reducing dependence on more expensive imported sources. Under the agreement, Newport Beach would pay $1 a year for the waterline rights.
Public Hearings include:
- Consideration of several entitlement applications that would allow for the future development of a 13-acre property with up to 312 dwelling units atop an 825-space parking structure as part of the Residences at 4400 Von Karman project. The development applications also include an approximately 1-acre public park and a 284-space freestanding parking structure within the Koll Center Newport Professional and Business Office Site B, generally located between Von Karman Avenue and Birch Street in the vicinity of John Wayne Airport. The City Council will consider adoption of the environmental clearance and planning applications for the project, and introduction of two ordinances to amend the Planned Community Development Plan and approval of a Development Agreement. If approved, the item will return to City Council on January 26 for final adoption of the two ordinances.
Current Business includes:
- A potential revision to the Council policy on City trees that would provide more transparency and consistency for the retention, removal, maintenance, reforestation, trimming, and planting of approved City-owned trees. The item was reviewed by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, which recommended the policy revisions for Council adoption.