Insider’s Guide for the Newport Beach City Council Meeting on Feb. 23


By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Our next City Council meeting is Tuesday, February 23. Items that may be of interest are highlighted below. The entire agenda, and all reports, can be viewed at

Study Session at 4 p.m.

  • The Council will receive an update from City staff on efforts to reduce homelessness in Newport Beach. The City has developed a comprehensive approach to assist individuals experiencing homelessness and connect them to appropriate county, state and federal resources. Staff will provide an update on the City’s efforts, which include a temporary shelter partnership with the City of Costa Mesa and a proposal to develop permanent, supportive housing in Newport Beach.

Regular City Council Meeting at 5:30 p.m.

On the Consent Calendar:

  • The Council will vote on preliminary steps to create an underground utility assessment district for a 50-block area of central Balboa Island. The request was submitted by residents in the area and met the 60 percent or greater approval necessary for Council consideration. The Council action would authorize City staff to prepare an engineering report and cost estimates for the project and prepare for a formal vote of approval by the property owners within the district.
  • Council will also consider advancing an underground utility assessment district request by residents of Cliff Drive and Santa Ana Avenue between Old Newport Boulevard and Cliff Drive. The Council action on this item would approve assessments and financing for the project, approve an engineering report, and set a public hearing.

Public Hearings include:

  • A proposed ordinance to eliminate an amortization period for non-conforming business signs. The proposed action would allow 327 existing signs that do not meet current municipal code standards to remain in place, under certain conditions. Non-conforming signs are those that were legally installed, but because of municipal code changes, no longer meet current standards. In a 2005 Council action, businesses were given 15 years, until October, 2020, to modify or remove non-conforming signs.
  • A proposed zoning code amendment that would allow wine tasting rooms within an industrial zone located in the southwest area of the City, near 16th Street and Placentia Avenue. The current zoning limits eating and drinking establishments to take-out service and caps indoor seating at six people. The amendment would allow businesses to sell and serve wine, and allow expanded seating capacity based on parking availability and building and fire codes.

Current Business includes:

  • The Council will receive an update on potential measures to increase safety on the Oceanfront Boardwalk. In September 2020, the Council approved the Oceanfront Boardwalk Safety Program that increased fines for speeding, among other measures. The Council also directed staff to study additional traffic-calming measures. Staff will report on the results of those studies.  Additionally, staff will discuss the Boardwalk Ambassador Pilot Program that has recently begun.