Insider’s Guide for the Newport Beach City Council Meeting on April 27, 2021

City Manager Grace Leung

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Our next City Council meeting is Tuesday, April 27. Items that may be of interest are highlighted below. The entire agenda, and all reports, can be viewed at

There will be a Study Session at 4 p.m.:

  • The City Council will review the draft Housing Element Update and is expected to provide feedback to City staff. The Housing Element Update was developed over the past several months with extensive community input, as Newport Beach prepares to meet new state housing mandates. There will be an opportunity for the public to provide comments to the Council for consideration. For more information, please visit Public comments are being accepted on the initial draft until April 30. Comments can be submitted by emailing

The Regular Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. On the Consent Calendar is:

  • Consideration of a $169,162 construction contract award to AToM Engineering Construction, Inc. for traffic calming improvements in the Mariners and Dover Shores neighborhoods. The proposed project includes installing speed cushions, signing and striping improvements. If approved, 15 speed cushions would be installed on Santiago Drive, Commodore Road, Highland Drive, Mariners Drive, and Dover Drive. The project would also install traffic calming signing and striping along Santiago Drive, Tradewinds Lane, Commodore Road, Highland Drive, Mariners Drive, Dover Drive, and Polaris Drive. Traffic studies have shown community support for the improvements.

Public Hearings and Current Business include:

  • By request of Mayor Brad Avery, the Council will review a February decision by the City’s Planning Commission to approve a mixed-use development project in the Mariner’s Mile area. The project consists of 35 residential dwelling units, including three affordable housing units, and an 11,266- square-foot boutique auto showroom located at 2510 and 2530 W. Coast Highway. The Council will conduct a public hearing and vote on whether to uphold, modify or overrule the Planning Commission’s decision.
  • To encourage additional development and permitting of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in Newport Beach, the Council will consider a proposal to temporarily waive fees associated with ADU permits. The recommended waiver includes plan check review fees, building construction permit review fees, and other City permit fees for ADUs and junior ADUs. As proposed, the program would run through December 31, 2022.