Inbox: Silly and Unpleasant Op-Ed Piece by Scott Peotter


I was disappointed but not surprised by Councilman Scott Peotter’s silly, unpleasant OP/ED piece (Dec 2, 2016). 

After a year or two in politics, he remains as disrespectful of others as he was during his campaign. 

As a newcomer to town, what does he think he’s accomplishing by insulting many of us in addition to Greenlight and SPON people, most of whom are pleasant, serious, thoughtful, well-meaning long-time residents of Newport Beach who deserve respect and common dignity, and who look forward to voting for the City Council in 2018. 

Why not allow citizens of Newport Beach to express their collective opinion about the Museum House in a referendum? 

I doubt Mr. Peotter’s personal opinion in that regard (supporting developers) reflects the feelings of the majority of Corona del Mar voters he claims to represent.

Disparaging lots of people may not have hurt his hero Mr. Trump, but I doubt that odious technique will work in Newport Beach. 

Oh, and by the way, Secretary Clinton did get 2.5 million more votes than Mr. Trump.  Or is Mr. Peotter one of those who thinks two million illegal immigrants voted in California?

 Robert R. Young

Corona del Mar