


(Re: “Rainmaker’ Conjures Up Magic at NTAC,” NBI, 9/17:)

Based on your Sept. 17 review of “The Rainmaker,” we attended this outstanding production last weekend at the Newport Theater Arts Center (NTAC) on Cliff Drive.

I think it’s great that the Indy is doing reviews of local theater.  Maybe identify the reviewer next time.  This reviewer was right on; the production is outstanding, with an excellent cast, fine set, lighting and sound.

In local theater it’s usually the director who is responsible for the success or failure of the performance.  In this case, we were very fortunate to have as director Cecilia Fannon, a local talent who has received significant recognition, including her work with South Coast Repertory.

Instead of giving away the entire plot, however, hopefully future reviews will give more time and credit to those who do the heavy lifting, as in this case, Cecilia Fannon, the director, and longtime in-house producer, Rae Cohen.

Having good theater in a city-owned facility, with a ticket price equivalent to the cost of a lunch is a nice advantage, followed by a 10 to 15 minute easy drive home.

                                                                 Ron and Novell Hendrickson

(Re: “’Tis the Season,” NBI, 9/17:)

On the OC Treasurer’s race, the image of cigar smoke was too good to pass up (cough, cough).

One candidate, Shari Freidenrich, has been protecting the funds of the City of
Hungtinton Beach for 14 years successfully, and has a degree in accounting and financial planning.

The other candidate, mentioned in Jack Wu’s column, who likes to smoke cigars, has none of the above yet claims to be an incumbent .His degree is in law with an emphasis on taxes. I know because I asked him at a GOP meeting.

John Moorlach has without reservation endorsed Shari Freidenrich, as do the Howard
Jarvis Taxpayers and other outstanding organizations.

Laura Dietz