Hundreds of Runners Participate in Spirit Run March 12

Runners at the start of a Spirit Run race / Photo by Jim Collins

Hundreds of runners from toddlers to families to dogs participated in the 2023 Spirit run held on Sunday, March 12 in and around Fashion Island.

While they competed for awards in various categories, the runners also helped raise thousands of dollars for local schools and charities, including Corona del Mar High School, CdM middle school, Eastbluff Elementary, Harbor View Elementary, Mariners Elementary, Newport Beach Junior Lifeguards, and many others.

Participants and spectators also enjoy the event day Youth, Fitness, and Dog Expo.

Registrations began at 6:30 a.m. Races started at 7:30 a.m., with the last race getting underway at 10:30 a.m.

From 1983 to 2010, Spirit Run was presented by PTAs from five Newport Beach elementary schools which shared its net proceeds.

In 2010, Newport-Mesa Spirit Run, Inc. (NMSRI), a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was founded to continue Spirit Run and share its net proceeds with schools throughout the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

Since 2017, any school, youth sport, or youth cause may apply to fundraise.

Newport Beach City Councilmember Joe Stapleton (standing far left) and Newport Beach Mayor Noah Blom (standing far right) with the corona del Mar High School Cheer Squad and members of the Newport Beach Police Department / Photo by Jim Collins

NMSRI’s Board of Directors are unpaid, volunteers dedicated to continuing Spirit Run, youth fitness, providing free event entries to underprivileged students, and donating event net proceeds to participating schools, youth sports, and other youth causes.

In the Youth 5K category, Kevin Steinman, 15, of Corona del Mar High School won with a time of 16:45.9. Winners of other race categories include:

  • 4yrs Quarter Mile: Noelle Mosey
  • Masters Mile & Open Mile: Taylor Huseman
  • Elite Mile: Nathan Sloan
  • Adult: Roosevelt Cook
  • Dog: Brian Duff
  • Family Mile: Carson Driscoll
  • 9-14yrs Mile: Aidan Antonio
  • 7-8yrs Mile: Julianna Melendez
  • 5-6yrs Half Mile: James Schurger
Roosevelt Cook at the finish line of the Adult race / Photo by Jim Collins
Brian Duff and his dog took first place in the Dog race / Photo by Jim Collins
The Swigart Family finished the Family 1 Mile riun / Photo by Jim Collins