Hoag Blood Drive at Mother’s Market on Newport Blvd.


On Thursday, Aug. 4, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mother’s Market & Kitchen’s Costa Mesa store will partner with Hoag Blood Donor Services to host a blood drive in Mother’s parking lot located at 1890 Newport Blvd.

In appreciation, Mother’s will provide all donors with a coupon for a free 8 oz. fresh juice of choice from Mother’s popular juice bar.

Blood donations will be used to support Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach.

According to Hoag Blood Donor Services, summer is always a challenging time for blood centers, due to donors taking vacations and schools being out of session. Despite the season, the need for blood remains constant and patients continue to depend on the generosity of blood donors to meet that need.

Although 38 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, less than 10 percent do annually. In California, less than five percent donate annually.