History Takes Flight


A World War II-vintage B-25 bomber now housed at the Lyon Air Museum at John Wayne Airport was taken out last weekend for a series of flights in the Newport Beach area skies. On board, in addition to pilot Randy Sherman and co-pilot Ray Dieckman, was Ken Pruitt, who piloted B-25s in the war. Also aboard for one flight was photographer Jim Collins, and he filed this photo report:

Co-pilot Ray Dieckman, veteran pilot Ken Pruitt, pilot Randy Sherman and Lyon Air Museum docent George Scott before boarding the musuem's B-25 for a tune-up flight.
The B-25 takes off from John Wayne Airport.
The B-25 was not built for comfort, but it got the job done in World War II and this weekend over Orange County.

The Peninsula and Lido Isle pass below the B-25 in flight.