Head’s Up From Cupid


If everything goes as planned, you are reading this a few days before Valentine’s Day. Now you can’t say you haven’t been warned. Not much time until February 14. It’s already late in the game, but if you heed this warning, you still have a chance to get lucky next Thursday night.

The Independent chose me to write this column because I am the expert on Valentine’s Day. For openers, it is my birthday. Yes friends, this little cherub popped out on Valentine’s Day in 1943, which, if you do the math, means I’ve also had a lot of practice celebrating the best holiday of the year.

It’s also my wedding day. How romantic is that! Okay, okay, my wife says I only picked the date so I’d never forget our anniversary, but, hey, it’s worked so far.

FYI, I discovered the sure fire way to get lucky on Valentine’s Day in 1990. My wife and I were staying at the Halekulani Hotel overlooking Waikiki Beach in Honolulu on February 14, 1990. I was renting a car at the hotel front desk when the receptionist noticed the birth date on my drivers license. In passing, I mentioned it was also my anniversary. When we returned that afternoon, we found complimentary champagne and chocolate covered strawberries in our room and more champagne again that night at dinner.

See, it’s easy. Take your wife to Hawaii. Stay in a four star hotel overlooking Waikiki. Then keep your mouth shut and let her think you personally ordered the champagne. Yes, even you can get lucky on Valentine’s Day.

Unfortunately, it’s a bit late in the game. I checked, and the Halekulani is fully booked. Even the $2100 suites. For the entire week. So from here, you’re on your own. Just don’t say you haven’t been warned.

I do have one tip for late shoppers. Try Treasures on Consignment at the Assistance League of Newport-Mesa. It’s on Fairview Ave. just off Highway 55 in Costa Mesa. They have really good collectibles, and the profits support some very worthy community activities.