He Said, She Said

Newport Beach Indy business writer Norm Bour poses a question to Leadership in Heels Founder and CEO Scharrell Jackson at a recent event.
— Photo by Kait McKay Photography ©

The disconnects between men and women is fodder for comedians, idle chit chat and deep conversations.

Lack of communication is one of the biggest causes of divorce and personal relationships issues between siblings, children and those that are not blood related.

The “glass ceiling” and old workplace ideology are also major causes of business failure and dysfunctionality.

Those are just some of the reasons why local entrepreneur Scharrell Jackson launched a series of conversations that explores the relationships between men and women and how that can affect the workplace.

Jackson, a partner with the accounting firm of Squar Milner in Newport Beach, created an organization called Leadership in Heels in 2015 that is designed to – in her words – “motivate, inspire, educate and equip community members to see themselves as leaders.”

What started as a passion project with unknown results has turned into a standing room only event.

At the recent Aug. 2 event, Jackson moderated with four male speakers, each sharing their stories of how they learned to communicate with women both personally and professionally.

This session was officially called “He Said, She Said” Part 2 – The Living Room Experience,” and was a continuation from Part I a week earlier.

Charles Antis, one of the four panelists, and owner of Antis Roofing, started the talk with a compelling tale of being raised with a religious mindset that positioned men as superior to women.

“I didn’t even realize that I was brainwashed for decades,” he shared. “I lost one of my best employees and paid her a fraction of what she was worth due to me not recognizing how valuable she was. Just because she was a female.”

He has learned his lesson and now has a female office manager that will propel his company to new levels.

Communicate gaps and barriers will always be with us, but recognizing the gender bias may decrease over time with events like this.

A portion of net proceeds from “He Said, She Said” will benefit Santa Ana-based nonprofit Think Together, which works with school districts and local communities to offer extended learning programs for underprivileged and low-income children.

“Leadership is not a Dress Rehearsal” will be the topic of the fall Leadership in Heels event on Nov. 30 at The Center Club in Costa Mesa.

For more information, visit scharrelljackson.com.

(left to right) Clarity Conversationalist specialist Russ Williams, Community Engagement Manager Donavon Jackson, Leadership in Heels Founder and CEO Scharrell Jackson, business leader Charles Antis and neuroleadership expert Robert Adamik.
— Photo by Kait McKay Photography ©