Give to Support Our Marines!

A member of the 1/1 Marines says good-bye to his daughters as the unit shipped out to Afghanistan last month. Photo by Krisztine Scheef

The 1st Battalion 1st Marines (1/1) have shipped out to Afghanistan and the Newport Beach 1/1 Foundation is collecting items for “Let No Hero Be Forgotten” care packages to the troops.

The foundation is asking that people drop off items from the list below at any Newport Beach fire station or at the Recreation and Services Department offices at City Hall.

“Care packages bring the comforts of home to our Marines,” says the foundation on its website, “Imagine running out of sunscreen in the middle of the desert, or just wanting a little taste of home instead of the usual MREs. A package of wet wipes may be the closest thing to a shower the troops have had all month. A book or a magazine will help a Marine to relax.”

The deadline for drop-off is tomorrow, Tuesday, July 10.

Items needed:

  • Beef jerky
  • Drink mix (e.g. Crystal Light, Emergen-C)
  • Toiletries and Mach 3 razors
  • Baby wipes (small packets) – BIG NEED!
  • Socks (black or white)
  • Foot powder/cooling gel
  • AA batteries
  • Snacks that won’t melt at 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Magazines, Cds, DVDs, books
  • Protein powder (small packets)
  • LETTERS – write a letter or a note thanking our Marines for their service

For further information about the care packages or the 1/1 Foundation, call 949-385-1110 or email