General Plan ‘Newport, Together’ Workshops Planned

A screen shot of the new General Plan Update website,

The city of Newport Beach recently announced its launch of a new community engagement effort called “Newport, Together” and will host a series of interactive workshops to involve citizens in discussions on community values and the city’s future General Plan Update.

The Newport, Together listen and learn process is led by the General Plan Update Steering Committee that was appointed by the Newport Beach City Council earlier this year.

In a message shared Thursday, the city listed seven Newport, Together workshops scheduled to be held throughout the city, one in each City Council district, during the months of November and December.

“Attendees will gain a better understanding of what the General Plan is and why it’s important to the community,” the message reads. “They will also be asked to discuss community values, and what’s working and what’s not working in terms of the current General Plan.”

All workshops will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The city of Newport Beach is working on a General Plan update.
— Art courtesy city of Newport Beach

The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday in District 2 at the 16th Street Recreation Center, located at 868 W. 16th St.

Also, the first meeting in District 3 is scheduled for Thursday at the Back Bay Science Center, located at 600 Shellmaker Rd.

Other meetings scheduled so far: Nov. 20 in District 7, at Newport Coast Community Center, 6401 San Joaquin Hills Rd.; Nov. 21 in District 6, at OASIS Senior Center, 801 Narcissus Ave.; Dec. 3 in District 5, at Central Library’s Friends Room, 1000 Avocado Ave.; Dec. 11 in District 4, at Bonita Creek Community Center, 3010 La Vida; and Dec. 12 in District 1, at Marina Park Community Center, 1600 W. Balboa Blvd.

The meetings are open to all community members and citizens are welcome to attend a workshop in a district other than their own if a different date better fits their schedules. A map of the Council districts can be found on the city’s website at

The workshops are part of a series of community fairs, workshops, pop-up events and community dialogues that will be held over the winter and spring months to listen to and learn from the Newport Beach community about the General Plan and its future update.

All activities hosted in-person will also take place online on the City’s Newport, Together interactive website.

For more information, visit