From Boston To Newport Beach


* Say C To Me

While wandering around Fashion Island on the Thursday prior to the opening of the Newport Beach Film Festival, Mimi and I saw a large poster covering an entire wall that read, “Blue C Sushi, Opening Spring/Summer 2013.” The name of the restaurant is also a tough tongue twister. Anyone who can say “Blue C Sushi” 50 times very rapidly should call our Editor Chris Trela and take the test on the phone. Winners will get a free one-year subscription to The Newport Beach Indy.

 * A Second Chance

By now (this Friday) the Festival is over. There are several fun filled films I would recommend your seeing when they show again. One is “Blood Type: Unknown.” The director, Doug Penikas, is also the screenwriter, editor and actor. He wrote the script in three frenzied non-stop days and nights. The film utilizes local actors, local crew and Orange County settings. You will take delight as you recognize Chapman College as the background for many scenes. The second film is “Wiener Dog Nationals,” that sold out at both showings. While in line waiting to see if there were any unused seats or no-shows it turned out that the very young lady waiting in line after me was one of the stars from the movie. It was both her first movie as an actor and first chance to view it — and no tickets! Finally at post time the staff found her a seat behind a wall in the far back of the theatre. By sitting on her legs like a twisted pretzel she finally saw her own movie. It’s true what they say about kids and dogs. Both will steal your heart.

 * Another Brookism

While recently visiting in Manhattan, Brooke our 4-year-old granddaughter, walked into the living room to show her mom the pieces of a plastic crown (some come with dresses) that she found broken into multiple pieces. My daughter Jennifer confessed that she had accidentally stepped on it. Brooke self-righteously proclaimed, “You should be more careful and look where you’re stepping when you’re walking around.” Brooke’s response was so funny that initially we didn’t hear mom’s retort of telling Brooke that if she didn’t leave her stuff lying around it wouldn’t get stepped on.

 * I’m Mad As Heck

President Obama must have been really mad following the Boston Marathon bombings. On live television he actually said the words terror, terrorist and terrorism.

 * Immune to Destruction

We often hear that the Al Quada chain of command has been seriously disrupted through US military actions. Unfortunately when Al Quada leaders are injured or killed new ones are found immediately to replace them–they have a strong and loaded “farm system.”

 * Recollections From Early Residency

So many of us in Newport Beach have lived or studied in Boston that we are attached to Boston by the umbilicus. The Bomber Boys must have been out of sorts to think they could outwit millions of egghead intellectuals with endless computers and billions of gigabytes. As for us my wife and I spent five years in the Boston area living most of the time in Brighton (between Cambridge and Watertown) when I was a Resident at The Massachusetts General Hospital. Of the injured, 31 patients were taken to MGH with 4 requiring amputation. I visited MGH in 2011 for the celebration of its 200th birthday and a 50-year all-class reunion of the Radiology Department. Our tour of the newly renovated hospital included a new multi-million dollar combined Surgical and Radiology Suite. Little did we know how relevant and important this room would become a year and a half later!

 Michael Arnold Glueck M.D., Newport Beach, is an ornery curmudgeon who writes Deep Thoughts by Dr. Mike for the His E-mail is