Friday Morning Report: Nov. 30, 2012


A quick look at the things that made news this week in Newport Beach:

  • A 71-year-old man was killed Tuesday after being struck by a Porsche Carrera around 7:40 p.m. while crossing San Joaquin Hills Road near MacArthur Boulevard outside the crosswalk. He was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. A second pedestrian and the 58-year-old Porsche driver were uninjured and remained at the scene. The collision is being investigated and anyone with any information is encouraged to contact Traffic Investigator Eric Little at 949-644-3746.
  • City council voted to outsource its printing services and contract with Office Depot, which will result in one layoff and save the city about $70,000, according to a staff report, The Daily Pilot reported. A second print shop employee is retiring. The council also reported possibly outsourcing the city’s trash collection services as well, the newspaper reported.
  • The Orange County Health Care Agency reported the year’s first human case of West Nile Virus in Newport Beach as a man in his 30s, the Patch reported. The man tested positive for WNV in September, adding to 45 other confirmed human cases of the virus in Orange County, the website reported.
  • The city announced that the Newport Beach Fire Department will again participate in the annual “Spark of Love” toy drive, which will run from Nov. 30 to Dec. 24. All fire stations and the lifeguard headquarters will serve as drop-off sites for new, unwrapped toys or sports equipment. Gift cards will also be accepted.