Fresh Glueck Shtick


* An Overachieving Dog

A few weeks ago (NBIndy Aug.19) I wrote about man’s best friend, the dog, in “Doggie Bites.” A reader wrote to tell me of one problem he has with his West Highland Terrior. Fido’s hearing is so good that at night he will bark at any moving animal or object outside his window. This is the reason for my latest high tech project which is inventing and developing nighttime ear plugs and muffs for dogs.

* That Darn Cat

Since the recent “Doggie Bites” column (NBINDY, August 19) a number of readers have written to tell me about funny anecdotes involving their normally loving cats. It seems that a local couple had invited a friend to stay at their house for a holiday weekend lasting three days. The friend extended the stay to three weeks which disturbed the cat. The friend finally left only to discover that the cat had gifted a good-bye present (consisting of a large deposit) in her suitcase.

* Once a Thief, Always…

Those who follow this column know that on occasions it has criticized the trial lawyers for their incredible greed and gall. Likewise, I have in instances complimented them for their charity work and assistance to the poor. I’m sorry to write that the dark side of the legal profession has again emerged within the California legislature.

In a media release from Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) they have alerted us that the “California legislators will consider several bills greatly affecting the legal climate in California as the legislative session comes to a close…three bills in particular will be considered that have enormous implications for the legal climate in California.”

The first below deserves a strong YES vote.

AB 2494, which would help reduce lawsuit abuse by giving judges the authority to take action against those filing “frivolous” lawsuits.

The next two are worthy of a strong NO votes because of their lawyer self-serving intent:

“AB 2416 would create an unfair and unprecedented level of liability exposure for employers by allowing employees with alleged, unproven wage claims to place liens on their employer’s personal property.”

“AB 2171, which would encourage abusive lawsuits against facilities offering care to seniors by offering lucrative awards to plaintiffs’ lawyers, similar to California’s ADA and Proposition 65 lawsuits.

It is imperative “to tell your legislators to support measures to reform California’s legal system and oppose efforts to create more incentives for lawsuit abuse.”

Michael Arnold Glueck has written locally, statewide and nationally on medical-legal and related issues.