Free Document Shredding Event in Newport Beach Jan. 23


The City of Newport Beach is hosting a free document shredding event for Newport Beach residents on Saturday, Jan. 23 from 8 a.m. to noon at the city’s Municipal Operations Yard, 592 Superior Ave.

Newport Beach residents are welcome to bring their documents for free shredding and disposal. Residency will be verified for this event. Please have identification available when requested.

Newport Beach residents can bring up to 10 standard file boxes.

Acceptable items for shred include:

  • Bank and financial statements
  • Credit card statements or pre-approved credit card offers
  • Old IRS tax forms, checks or bills
  • Old credit cards & plastic/paper membership cards
  • Junk mail, of any size and color
  • Document can be bound with staples or paper clips

Unfortunately, the shredder cannot accommodate x-rays or larger plastic items such as binders. Material is shredded on site.