Free Document Shredding, E-Waste Disposal and Mulch Giveaway Nov. 18


Newport Beach residents are invited to bring documents for shredding and household electronic waste for disposal on Saturday, Nov. 18 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Public Works Corporation Yard, 592 Superior Ave.

In addition, free mulch will be offered at two locations on November 18: the Corporation Yard and Bonita Canyon Sports Park, 1990 Ford Rd. Please note that the Bonita Canyon site will be for mulch giveaway only (no shredding or e-waste disposal)

Mulch is being provided by OC Waste and Recycling, which creates high-quality mulch from residential organic (green) waste collected in Newport Beach. Mulch pickup is limited to 60 gallons per resident, per vehicle, for residential use only; commercial trailers and vehicles will not be permitted.

The mulch is not bagged, so please come prepared with shovels, as well as bags, tarps or containers. Be prepared to load the mulch into your own trunk or truck bed.

Newport Beach residency will be verified, so please bring identification. No hazardous or medical waste will be accepted.

For more information, please call the City’s Public Works Department at (949) 644-3311.