Finding “Fur”ever Families in Orange County


Orange County has in its care more displaced dogs and cats than ever, many of which rely on OC Animal Care for temporary shelter and medical attention until they can be adopted.

For the past few years, OC Animal Care, located in Tustin, has been housing animals in excess of its capacity. Add in a staffing shortage and general lack of applicants to fill employment vacancies and the shelter has been operating at a perpetual tipping point.

In a “fur”ocious effort to alleviate the dire overcrowding, Supervisor Katrina Foley, whose district includes Newport Beach, initiated the county’s first annual “Animal Adoption Day” on Saturday, September 10.

To encourage month-long community participation, animal adoption fees are waived  at OC Animal Care until the end of September, and each adopted animal comes with a microchip, vaccinations, spay or neutering, and an anti-parasite treatment.

Orange County residents have responded “fur”vently with the adoption of almost 350 dogs and cats so far this month.

For more information and to view adoptable pets visit