Election Night in Newport


Thousands of Newport Beach residents visited the voting booths today and cast their ballots in four city council races and on Measure Y, an amendment to the land use element of the general plan.

As officials count ballots, early estimates are coming in at ocvote.com.

Results are still unofficial until additional vote-by-mail ballots, paper ballots and provisionals cast at the polling places are all counted.

1 a.m.

All 74 precincts have finished reporting.

Duffield beat out Hill with 66.8 percent of the votes.

Muldoon held onto his lead to win with 50.4 percent.

Peotter squeaked by Toerge near the end to finish on top with 51.1 percent.

Unopposed Dixon collected 100 percent of the 14,364 votes.

Measure Y was defeated in a landslide, with 69.5 percent of voters checking the “No” box.

Newport voters also chose three members of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District board. Along with Costa Mesa residents, there were 141 precincts reporting.

Charlene Metoyer won with 68.4 percent over Michael B. Collier. Incumbent Walt Davenport received 56.6 percent of the votes and beat out Lisa Manfredi and Fidel Mora, who came in with 23.3 and 20.1 percent, respectively. Vicki Snell was also re-elected with 68.8 percent of votes choosing her over Steve Smith.


11:40 p.m.

The count now stands at 52 completed precincts.

Duffield still leads with 66.3 percent.

Muldoon’s lead increased slightly to 50 percent, Brown follows with 37.5 percent and Englebrecht has 12.6 percent.

Toerge and Peotter are evenly split with 50 percent each. Peotter has a few more votes, coming in at 6,966 and Toerge has 6,953.

Dixon still has 100 percent of the now 11,792 votes cast.

No on Measure Y is still the majority and now a slightly increased lead with 69.4 percent.


10:15 p.m.

Only 19 precincts out of 74 in Newport Beach have been counted completely.

In possibly the most watched city council race, Marshall “Duffy” Duffield has a significant lead over incumbent and current mayor, Rush Hill, at 65.2 percent to 34.8 percent for District 3.

In the city’s only three-way race, Kevin Muldoon is leading the pack at 49.5 percent for District 4, Tim Brown following with 38.2 percent and lastly Roy Englebrecht with 12.3 percent.

Corona del Mar’s District 6 shows Mike Toerge on top with 51.7 percent over Scott Peotter.

Diane Dixon, the only candidate running in District 1, has received 100 percent of the votes thus far.

Measure Y is leaning heavily toward the no vote with 67.6 percent.

NB Indy will update the results throughout the night.