Eco Film Star on the Green Carpet


The Newport Beach Film Festival is here, and so are some green and sustainable practices.

The Eco Film Star for the fest is lovely and talented Jennifer Simpson of Modern Blueprint, as the event’s environmental consultant.  The supporting cast includes Terra Pacific Waste Management and many others.

Having a sustainable presence and message at events like this are important.  They are large gatherings that have the possibility to create waste, and the opportunity to influence by example.

Jennifer Simpson of Modern Blueprint is the Newport Beach Film Festival’s environmental consultant.

When you go to, you can peruse the online brochure to see the many spectacular films that are available, where and when.  I thought it was super cool that all film entries were paperless, submitted via  I wish government would demonstrate this type of leadership and commit to investing in environmental benefits that save time and money.

Terra Pacific has developed custom Recycling Centers to be used at the festival’s events, and will be servicing and monitoring them.  This is great and necessary, as you need convenient infrastructure to facilitate the behavior that most wish to participate in.  The latest thinking for events is that you cannot simply place a can with a sign saying “Recycle here.”  So, this event with have the EcoGirls present to educate guests on recycling/composting and other green features of the film fest.  Reminds me of school, when I would try to get the notes from the prettiest girl in class.

This year, the film festival will feature even more local, organic restaurants than ever before.  All serving ware will be biodegradable/compostable.  Good, good for you, and good for the environment.

The glitz and glamour will be featured on a red carpet made of recycled content.  Maybe next year they can be bold enough to send everyone down the green carpet?

The word and concept of Recycling is becoming so last year.  When the Newport Harbor High kids had a beachside press release sharing the challenges of StyroFoam, one student said that StyroFoam was “so 1970s.”  Truth in jest.  The next generation of Recycling is called Zero Waste, where the goal is divert waste from the landfills.  If you are not for Zero Waste, then just how much waste are you for, and it is suggested you set a goal of “darn near close” to zero.

The festival has set a Zero Waste goal for itself – noble and lofty.  Simpson and others have implemented solutions like collecting all the cooking oil to be made into biodiesel.

However, in order to know if you are winning, you need to keep score.  And, you cannot manage what you do not measure.  How will you know if you are conserving if you do not know current use? The film fest’s recycling will be weighed and reported from Opening Night.  Yes, find the tallest tree and holler.  Composting waste will be measured and turned in to energy.

A baseline will be created this year and the festival will produce a white paper.  Each year after will exceed the previous year’s results.  The Newport Beach Film Festival is committed to working towards a carbon-neutral event!  Hear that all you innovative local entrepreneurs?

An EcoParty will be held at Newport Lexus today that will host Heal the Bay, US Green Building Council – OC, and Wyland, spotlighting the short film “The Majestic Plastic Bay” and Friday’s special screening of “This is Your Ocean: Sharks” at the Lido Theater.

“It is so exciting to contribute to your community in a sustainable way,” beams Simpson. “Wait until you see what we do next year.”

If you go, enjoy the films in a sustainable way, and give a great big green hug of thanks to Jennifer Simpson, and the EcoGirls.  This goes to show you, that in every great event in our community, there is an opportunity to do it cost effectively green while having super fun.

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