Dunes Owner Launches ‘60 Acts of Kindness’ Campaign


Goldrich Kest, owners of Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort in Newport Beach and Huntington Beach-based Sunset Marina, is celebrating its 60th anniversary by launching a “60 Acts of Kindness” campaign, according to a statement released this week.

The company is seeking submissions from those in need who need a boost to improve their lives and/or the lives of their families and communities.

Perhaps one’s bicycle was stolen and that was their primary mode of transportation to and from work, a student needs a computer to help her with her studies, a senior citizen requires a wheelchair but lacks the funds to purchase one or a single mom needs help with childcare, etc., explain organizers in the press release. 

“Goldrich Kest was built on recognizing and fulfilling the needs of a wide spectrum of people and philanthropy has been a bedrock of our 60-year history,” said company President Carole Glodney. “We are excited to launch ‘60 Acts of Kindness’ and look forward to continuing our mission of helping those in the communities we serve.”

The campaign is ongoing through the year.

To be considered, send a concise one-page description of the need to 60Acts@frankgroffinc.com.

For more information about the company, visit goldrichkest.com.