Is There a Draft in Here?


On Supplemental Drafts

On the journey to adulthood there are certain highlights and milestones, but danger lurks around the ballrooms. For certain teenagers the dream of attending the Senior Prom is not in the stars. A few clever but foolish students at Corona del Mar High School have come up with the idea of a “Prom-Draft.” Not satisfied with previous nationally reported negative misfortunes involving CdM such as the fatal car accident on the curves, the cheerleading incident, and the recent computer hacking for grades, some students decided to hold a NFL-style draft for prom dates while further degrading their school and female peers. But why stop there? Let’s also have a boys draft for prom dates. Students could institute drafts for their teachers, for high-ranking academic students to do every one’s math or history homework, intra-league sports teams and school cheerleaders. Finally, how about a remedy to stop all this insolence? Let’s allow all the high school teachers to hold a draft to pick those students they will allow in their class.

Danger Ahead

You think you have vexing problems. Try owning a professional sports team in Orange or LA Counties. By now you are numb listening to the media over-reaction to the mindless remarks made by the LA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, recorded without his knowledge or permission by his “girlfriend” who then leaked them to the media. Sterling will probably come out of this without a team or girlfriend/wife, but with tons of money while heading towards the bank. Yester-years have seen the Raiders and Al Davis leave LA twice, while the Rams left both LA and Anaheim, thankfully taking Georgia Rosenbloom with them. The Angels came to Anaheim from LA while the Dodgers wound up with the Magic Johnson squad when Frank McCourt and wife, Jamie, were forced to sell because of fiscal and divorce scandals. Arte Moreno has been a terrific Angel’s owner but is now in a land dispute with the city of Anaheim. Thank heavens for the Anaheim Ducks and LA Kings who have survived scandal and skated relatively cleanly – at least for now. Warning. If you value your significant other, money and reputation, don’t purchase a sports team in Orange or LA counties. Doing so is dangerous to your health, education and welfare. Good luck Clippers, Oprah and Magic!

All in the Numbers

In 2013 the Angels recorded 15 losses long before 15 wins. This year they won 15 games before 15 losses. Don’t laugh. For the Angels this is pure progress.