Eight Days a Week


Summer sailing is getting underway, and that means that over the next few weeks, local racers will be able to find sailing events every night of the week.

In the San Francisco Bay area, there is an annual challenge to see who can attend the most consecutive days of sailing over the course of the summer.  Invariably there are a few lucky cases where sailboat racers manage to get out virtually every day in the summer.

While we have no local challenge here (but feel free to share any stories along this line), here are a few of the local weekly series that racers can use to recreate this challenge here in Newport Harbor:

Monday – Sundowner Series – American Legion YC (PHRF) – Starting May 7 and running through Aug. 27.  Fun casual bay racing around the harbor in 40-foot racers to smaller one-design dinghies.  The Sundowner is a more casual version of the Thursday night Beer Can race with a fun BBQ afterword at the American Legion facility on 15th Street.

Tuesday – Taco Tuesdays – BCYC (PHRF,  H20) – May 1 through Aug. 28 – This event is sailed in the turning basin and attracts a large Harbor 20 contingent.  Sailing is followed by a taco dinner as host BCYC.

Also Tuesday Night Flights – LIYC (Dinghies) – June 5 through Aug. 28 – This event attracts mostly Lasers and juniors sailors racing CFJs.

Wednesday – Twilights –BYC (Dinghy/One-Design Classes) – May 16-Sept. 12 – The Wednesday Twilights bring out BYC’s best dinghy sailors in Lasers, Lido 14s, Sabots and other one-design dinghies, followed by a fun BBQ after racing.

Wednesday – Summer Hibachi – South Shore YC (PHRF) – June 6-Aug. 29 – Another event like the Sundowner Series, the Summer Hibachi is typically a fun cruise/race around the harbor.

Thursday – Beer Can – BYC (PHRF) May 17-Sept 13 – The most popular weeknight racing in the summer, routinely attracting 50 or more racers for a parade up and down the bay.  Limited to boats under 50 feet overall.  A big post-race sailing crowd can usually be found at BYC after racing the Beer Can each week.

Also on Thursday, Twilights – NHYC (Lehman 12s, Harbor 20s) – June 9 – Aug 25 – Like BYC’s Twilight series, this racing brings out some of the top local one design sailors off NHYC’s docks in Harbor 20’s, Finn’s and Lehman 12’s.  NHYC hosts a great BBQ dinner following racing.

Friday – Adult Friday Nights – LIYC (Laser, Harbor 20, Lido 14) – June 8-Aug. 24 – Local Lido Isle sailing families come out for this weekly series, with big fleets of Lasers and Harbor 20s.  Followed by a fun post-race dinner on the deck of Lido Isle YC each Friday after these races.

– John Drayton


Upcoming Events:

May 4, NHYC Opening Day Race, Ahmanson #3 (PHRF, Offshore)

May 12 – Non Calm Bowl NHYC (Juniors)

May 12-13 – Mallory Trophy – Seattle Lake Union (HS Fleet Racing Nationals)

May 19-20 – Leukemia Cup – BCYC (One Design)

May 19 – 66 Series #4 –BYC (PHRF)

May 20 – Lorin Weiss #3 – BCYC – (H20)

May 25-27 – Baker Championships – MIT, Boston (HS Team Racing Nationals)

May 26 – CBYC/DPYC – Round Catalina (Offshore/PHRF)