Crystal Cove Conservancy Plans Soirée

Guests mingle during a previous year’s Crystal Cove Soiree.
— Photo courtesy of Crystal Cove ©

Crystal Cove Conservancy honors a longtime “Coveite” and celebrates two decades of service at an upcoming event.

Guests at the 20th Platinum Anniversary Crystal Cove Soirée on Oct. 5 will enjoy an evening under the stars, complete with sunset views over the ocean, officials wrote in a press release. Dinner will be catered by title sponsor, The Resort at Pelican Hill.

This year, the Conservancy honors Founder Laura Davick and her tireless commitment to saving Crystal Cove.

A third generation “Coveite,” she has dedicated the last 20 years of her life to advocating for environmental protection, historic preservation, and education at Crystal Cove State Park, officials noted in the announcement.

Crystal Cove Conservancy and the honoree of this year’s soiree, Laura Davick.
— Photo courtesy of Crystal Cove ©

“Laura’s determination to save this place and expand its use to educate young students inspires us all,” Conservancy President and Chief Executive Officer Kate Wheeler said in a prepared statement. “Laura grew up here and understands the way this one unchanged place can not only provide a low-cost way for families to enjoy our California coastline, but also makes an ideal setting for young people to develop a bond with the natural world.”

Davick grew up amid the 46 historic cottages, built in the early 1920s and 30s, on land originally owned by the Irvine Company, officials explained.

“Her experiences there shaped what would become her vision for a fully restored and protected Crystal Cove State Park,” the message reads.

The Soirée will begin at 5 p.m. with an al fresco cocktail reception with hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction. The Resort at Pelican Hill is donating the hors d’oeuvres as well as the dinner duo of braised short rib and grilled Maine lobster. The Beachcomber is donating the bar service. A live auction, live music and dancing to Motown hits from the Blue Breeze Band will round out the evening.

Guests will have an opportunity to purchase silent and live auction items in support of The Conservancy’s mission to fund important preservation, education and conservation initiatives. Opportunity tickets will be offered to win a three-night stay in the beachfront Crystal Cove Cottage #14, the restored “South Beach Suite” accommodating up to six guests.

Individual tickets for the soiree are $500. Table sponsorships are also available. For more information, visit

A previous year’s soiree at Crystal Cove State Park.
— Photo courtesy of Crystal Cove ©