Under Cover: ‘Read for the Win’ at Newport Library This Summer


library logoSummer may have just started, but I’m sure that in nearly every household, the dreaded refrain of “I’m bored,” has already rung out, and probably more than once.

Likewise, we mothers, while loving the freedom of the summer schedule, are finding that having our cherubs home all day long is making us pine for a few extra moments of alone time.

In an effort to beat the boredom blues, while also fostering a love of reading, the Newport Beach Library has unveiled this year’s summer reading program, Read for the Win.

Designed to help build lifelong readers, the program not only rewards summer reading, but also provides a plethora of boredom-busting summer activities.

Each week, the library will host a fun activity corresponding with this year’s theme. They will take place on Mondays at the Mariner’s Branch, Tuesdays at the Central Branch, and Thursdays at both the Balboa and Corona del Mar Branches.

Next week’s activity, “Animal Magic,” promises to entertain the whole family, as magician, John Abrams combines a magic show with a dash of comedy, and the excitement that always comes with live animal guest stars.

The week of July 18 brings a special opportunity. While usually known as a place to use our walking feet and inside voice, during this week’s activity, kids will be able to bring their friends and have a special daytime “game night,” right amongst their favorite books.

Following “Games in the Library,” participants will be invited to attend the “Best Bubble Party” the week of July 25.

You know it’s party time when bubbles are involved, and this party will surely not disappoint. While learning about the science of bubbles, participants will be able to experience both square and triangular bubbles, as well as their giant round counterparts, and bubbles that can bounce and float.

The week of August 1 brings us “Olympic Crafts,” allowing young library patrons to get creative while celebrating the spirit of the Olympics. As an added bonus, since travel to Rio isn’t required, we can honor the thrill of the games without having to worry about Zika.

Finally, the program will wrap up the week of August 8, with “Sherlock Homerun: A Whodunit Puppet Musical.” During this performance, attendees can enjoy a wacky retelling of the classic story of Sherlock Holmes, complete with homemade puppets, original songs, and choose-your-own-adventure style ending.

While these activities are sure to help when boredom inevitably strikes, let us not forget the part that puts the “reading” into “summer reading program.” Broken into three age groups: children, teens, and adults, the reading program seeks to foster a lifelong love of reading by first encouraging young readers to read whatever it is they love, be that fiction, non-fiction, or a graphic novel.

Participants can earn prizes for each five 20-minute reading sessions they enjoy, and once they have completed their game sheet (available online or at any of the NBPL locations,) they will be rewarded with a new paperback book of their choice.

Teen readers will get a goody bag simply for signing up, and for each book they read and review, they will earn an entry into the weekly prize drawing for a chance to win great local gift cards, as well as a grand prize entry, Additionally, after they complete three reviews, they too will be awarded a new book.

In order to reward mom for keeping her sanity via those stolen moments of personal time, adults too will be rewarded for time spent with their nose in a book. After submitting three book reviews, adults will also be eligible for a grand prize drawing, in addition to earning a new book.

So, whether to find an antidote to the summertime rut, or simply to find your next read, and get one step closer to winning that grand prize, it seems like the NBPL is the place to be this summer.

For more information on the summer reading program and various activities, please visit newportbeachlibrary.org.