Under Cover: Healthy Diet Books for the New Year


300 Calorie cook BookNow that we’ve Auld Lang Syned and clinked those glasses, the season of resolutions has been ushered in. Never content with the status quo, this is the time of year when hordes of people resolve to do, act, and be better in any number of ways.

Nearly 40 percent of all New Year’s resolutions will have something to do with weight loss or exercise. Now that the holiday season of acceptable binging has ended, it is time to close up that box of chocolates and open the door to the gym.

Not all of us, however, have the requisite amount of wiggle room in the schedule to be able to take full advantage of a gym membership. For those not on a first name basis with the trainers at the local gym, there are many great book options to help you jumpstart a New Year’s health and fitness plan, right from the comfort of your home.

If you are looking primarily to eat more healthfully, tweaking your eating habits more than increasing physical activity, might I suggest the following three options:

“The 300 Calorie Cookbook:  300 Tasty Meals for Eating Healthy Everyday” by Betty Crocker. Known more for her cake mixes than her diet plans, this book shows that even dear old Betty knows the value of a healthy meal. Full of quick and easy recipes like “Roasted Vegetable Lasagna,” and “Italian Steak and Vegetables,” these meals will keep you on track with your low calorie eating plan, and provide enough variety to cover the whole family’s preferences.

“The Best of Clean Eating:  Over 200 Mouthwatering Recipes to Keep You Lean and Healthy” by the Editors of Clean Eating Magazine. This compilation of recipes garnered from the pages of the magazine by the same name offers a full spectrum of low-fat, seasonal, local, and budget-friendly recipes. Offering options for nearly every dining situation, the book is organized into nine categories: Quick and Easy Meals, Budget-Priced Meals, Five-Ingredient Meals, Seasonal Foods, Healthy Snacks, Recipes for One or Two People, Holiday Meals, Delicious Low-Fat Desserts, and Summer BBQ.

“Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health,” by William Davis, MD. If you are considering going gluten free in the New Year, this isWheat Belly book cover the book to read. Lauded by the many who swear by a gluten free diet, the book shares Davis’ theory on how eliminating wheat from our diets can not only aid in weight loss, but reverse a myriad of negative health effects as well. Davis offers both a look at the science behind the movement to remove wheat from our diets, as well as an action plan on how to make the change. For help with recipes, consider picking up one of the companion cookbooks as well.

For those who need a little kick in the pants in the overall fitness category, why not check out the new book from “Biggest Loser” trainer Dolvett Quince, “The 3-1-2-1 Diet:  Eat and Cheat Your Way to Weight Loss – up to 10 Pounds in 21 Days.”

Designed to manipulate your body’s natural metabolic tendencies, this plan is perfect for the dieter who needs a little cheat here and there to help keep them on track. With his 21-day plan, Quince advocates three days of clean eating, followed by a cheat day, two more days of clean eating, and then a final reward meal at the end of the week.

Included in the book are simple meal plans, as well as fast workouts that combine cardio and body shaping exercises.  In short, it’s a one-stop shop to help get that booty back in shape.

Whether or not we make our goals official by naming resolutions, here’s to a happier, healthier year for each of us.

Bring it on 2014!

Edie Crabtree is an avid reader, and the mother of three active boys.  She can be reached at crabmom3@gmail.com.