Under Cover: “Fancy Nancy” Illustrator comes to Newport Library June 1


fancynancyWhat makes family reading, or any read-aloud experience so magical, is the ability to bring a story to life and make it our own. This is why we often dislike the casting in book-to-film adaptations, and why my son recently told me I was doing the voice wrong as we read a book his teacher had read in class. (Apparently, I need to brush up on my proper British butler voice-over skills.)

As we read, our minds create a whole world, peopled by the characters in the book. When we combine our experiences in these literary worlds with actual, real-life activities, it brings reading to life for our children, allowing them to connect to their literature in a vivid, tangible way.

My friend, Marissa, has a daughter who recently turned 11. She received in the mail her very own invitation to attend Hogwarts, a la Harry Potter. Another friend, Kristie, made a Hardy Boys book cover, using her sons’ images, as an invitation for their recent themed birthday party. And my friend Carin, the amazing librarian, never lets a Halloween pass without dressing up in an incredible costume bringing to life a character from a beloved children’s book.

Each of these scenarios creates an opportunity for children to relate their reading to real life, in a way they will never forget.

While these experiences are each unforgettable, pulling off something along those lines definitely takes a chunk of time and a fair amount of know-how.

If you happen to have a little girl in your life, that enjoys a little bit of sparkle, however, you are in luck! The Newport Beach Public Library has an activity coming up that will provide you with an awesome real-life reading activity for which you need do nothing more than simply show up – an maybe accessorize a bit.

The wildly popular “Fancy Nancy” book series has provided little ladies everywhere the opportunity to flaunt their fancy, just like the title character. Teacups, tutus, and tiaras abound at Fancy Nancy parties, and little girls, and their once-little counterparts love reading together about Nancy’s adventures.

In celebration of the newest title, “Fancy Nancy and the Wedding of the Century,” the NBPL will host Robin Preiss Glasser, the illustrator responsible for bringing Miss Fancy Nancy toRobinGlasser photo life.

On Sunday, June 1, at 2 p.m., Glasser will appear at the Central Library as part of the library’s “Making Memories for Children” program, designed to engage and educate children through a series of “learn by doing” events.

The event will begin with a presentation, and Q&A session, followed by a book signing hosted by Whale of a Tale bookstore. Admission is free, but a $10 donation at the door is suggested.

Glasser is known for embodying the spirit of fanciness at her appearances, and in fact, on the NBPL website, the dress code for this event is listed as “fancy – boas, tiaras, and sparkles encouraged!”

What little girl wouldn’t love to spend a Sunday reading Fancy Nancy’s latest adventure, then don her best plastic dress up shoes, sparkly crown, and tutu, and get her own fancy on with Robin Preiss Glasser?

Add in the fact the new book is about the ultimate little girl fantasy – a wedding – and I’d say you have a lip-gloss tinged trifecta on your hands.

Now, this might just be a frou-frou deprived boy mom talking here, but I can’t think of a better way to spend ten bucks or a Sunday afternoon. Unless, of course, you top it off with some pink bubblegum ice cream.

Edie Crabtree is an avid reader and the mother of three active boys. She can be reached at crabmom3@gmail.com.