Under Cover: Books are Here for Holiday Cheer


FANGIRL_CoverDec2012‘Twas the holiday season and gift lists were flying,

But what can I give that won’t end in crying?

The tree is all trimmed,

And we’ve hung every stocking,

Now what to slip in

That will leave them all gawking?

Not clothing, not candy, not jewelry, or socks.

Not videos, not fruitcake, nor a jack-in-the-box.

I’ve got an idea – it’s a definite winner,

And won’t make me seem like a gifting beginner.

The presents that will bring those satisfied looks…

Bunches, and bunches, and bunches of books!

Yet, it seems a bit daunting

To choose the right story,

Would they like mystery, history,

Or one scary and gory?

house-of-hades-us-cover To help holiday givers make their selection,

Goodreads has held their own book election.

Announcing the best of this calendar year,

Are the Choice Awards — let’s all give a cheer!

The votes, they were tallied, opinions collected,

And once added up, the panel reflected

We now have a list that couldn’t be neater,

With winners in genres to please every reader!

In fiction, Hosseini and Picoult topped the charts,

While “The Goldfinch” and “Lowland” both captured some hearts

If children are coming to your holiday dinner,

“House of Hades” by Riordan would be a clear winner.

For Young Adults, “Fangirl” is an obvious must,

lexicon_usa_hb_bigIn Sci-fi, there’s “MaddAddam,” “Lexicon,”or “Dust.”

They’ve got picture books, comics, and some filled with food,

And even a Humor list to help lighten the mood.

So, no matter the holiday you choose for this season,

You will have the perfect book-giving reason!

Check out the full list at goodreads.com

And get ready to hear, “This book is the bomb!”


Edie Crabtree is an avid reader, and the mother of three active boys.  She can be reached at crabmom3@gmail.com.