Contractor Hired for Dredging Project


The city gave an update on the Santa Ana Marsh dredging project on Wednesday.

A contractor has been hired to remove sediment in 92-acre salt marsh, located near the mouth of the Santa Ana River, according to the city’s statement.

“The project will restore design channel depths to improve circulation and tidal flushing – both necessary to maintain the salt marsh habitat which includes many endangered species,” explains the announcement that is posted on the city’s website.

The statement also noted that the pipe that was installed to pump replenishment sand into an area just off the shoreline from 60th Street will be removed during the week of Feb. 25.

The pipe runs from the marsh parallel to the Santa Ana River, then down along the beach and through the surf zone to the approved disposal location.

“The sands have been thoroughly tested and approved by EPA for placement in the nearshore environment,” the statement reads. “Sediment not compatible for beach replenishment will be excavated and disposed of at an upland landfill.”

The project also includes clearing weeds from an island within the marsh to help improve the nesting habits of the California least tern, an endangered species of bird.

The dredging is scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2013.

For more information, contact the project biologist at (213) 300-9723, or Assistant City Engineer Bob Stein at (949) 644-3322 or For construction-related questions or concerns, call Corps inspector Larry Romero at (951) 961-2345.