How Do You Compare to Your Competition?


No matter what field or business you are in you have competition. That does not necessarily mean you have competitors, and this is not just semantics; it’s a state of mind and a reflection of how you run your business.

Every product or sale has more than one company or person behind it, but in many cases they really don’t have Competition. Look at Apple as a great example.

I’m starting a monthly series that matches two identical businesses against each other. Would you like to play? This can give you free exposure to your local Newport Beach or Corona del Mar community and allow you to really represent yourself better than any ad or flyer or mailer could. But first you need to sell me on what makes you different and unique.

Here’s the rules.

I am looking for a business with a higher-than-normal profile. If you think that is you, bring it on. I’ll judge based on what and how you present yourself and if you really are more visible than the norm. Are you a significant player in the local business community? Do you command a large share of the business in your given field? Tell us why you do and why you deserve to be the Real Deal.

And the other business is one that is under the radar, but should be better known. Maybe you are a start-up or a one-person operation or just a business that is overshadowed by the “larger players.” So tell us all why you are a contender and should be bigger than what you are. Is your service/ food/ or whatever you sell better than the Big Boys? Tell us how and why.

I am looking to go head to head in the following businesses for starters:

·    Pizza Wars!

·    Accountant A vs. Accountant B

·    Realtor vs. Realtor

No matter what your business, tell us if you want to be profiled and if you know, tell us who you would like to go head to head with. Your secret is safe and they won’t know you called them out.

Send your nominations to Norm care of