Community Meeting Addresses Homelessness


Community organization Speak Up Newport is hosting their monthly meeting next week with another hot topic: Homelessness.

The title for the first SUN meeting in 2020 is “Homelessness in Newport Beach.”

It will be held Wednesday in the community room at the Newport Beach Civic Center. A reception, including complimentary light supper provided by The Bungalow, will start at 5:15 p.m. The program will run from 6 to 7 p.m. and will include a Q&A session.

“Homelessness is one of the most critical social problems in California,” a press release from the group reads.

This is the organization’s third program on the homelessness issue.

Newport Beach homelessness “czar” will provide an update on what the city is doing related to the issue.

According to the SUN announcement, topics will include: Duties of the homelessness czar; status of the homelessness task force/City Council committee; status of the proposed temporary and permanent shelter; status of cooperating with neighboring cities; and more.

Speak Up Newport officials shared some of the questions that will be tackled during the meeting: Will there be a homeless shelter in your neighborhood? What is happening at the Newport Center Transit Terminal? What is happening at Newport Pier and the Balboa Peninsula? What programs besides housing is the city proposing?

Hear all this and more from the featured speaker, Natalie Basmaciyan, the city’s homelessness coordinator.

Officials encouraged residents to bring neighbors and friends, “guests are always welcome.”

No charge to attend. Reservations are not necessary.

For information, visit or call (949) 224-2266.