Community Leader Joe Stapleton Announces Candidacy for Newport Beach City Council

Joe Stapleton

Community Leader Joe Stapleton has announced his candidacy for the Newport Beach City Council, District 1. The seat is currently held by Diane Dixon, who will be termed-out in 2022.

Named “Newport Beach Citizen of The Year” by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce in 2020, Stapleton’s passion for the City runs deep. He served on the Newport Beach Harbor Commission from 2013 to 2017, where he supported the efforts to create a new Harbor Department, helped jumpstart the overhaul of Title 17, and enjoyed a term as Vice Chair before joining the City’s Finance Committee.

For the past four years, Stapleton has championed fiscal responsibility, pension and debt paydown, and balanced budgets with heavy emphasis on public safety and infrastructure Stapleton’s experience on both the Harbor Commission and Finance Committee has led to a well-rounded view of the needs of our City, including funding additional needs on the Harbor, responding to homelessness, and addressing basic quality-of-life services.

In addition to serving on over a dozen local charitable boards, Stapleton also helped revitalize and now leads the Newport Beach Foundation, an organization designed to raise civic awareness in young professionals. The program has graduated over 100 people, including a dozen now serving on city boards, commissions, and committees.

“We have much to celebrate and be thankful for in this City,” said  Stapleton. “I will continue to work hard to promote our core values, especially around public safety, fiscal stewardship, and preserving quality of life. I would be honored to serve our great City as your next City Council Member.”

As a Wealth Manager for the past 15 years, Stapleton co-founded Spinnaker Investment Group in 2016 and serves as the company’s President. He supports businesses and individuals with customized investment management solutions. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Finance and Entrepreneurship from the University of Arizona and serves on the Board of Directors for the University of Arizona Alumni Association.

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