Communities: Changes to Balboa Village Facades and Streetscapes


Facades and streetscapes in Balboa Village may soon have fresh looks thanks to a new design guideline and a streetscape improvement plan that were discussed at the Balboa Village Advisory Committee meeting this week.

The design guidelines and streetscape plan have been in the works for some time. The guidelines are updates of existing design guidelines that were adopted in 2002. The concept is to build upon the historic, urban, walkable character of the village, adopt new design guidelines that address architectural styles for renovated and redeveloped buildings, and enhance the pedestrian experience.

RRM Design Group and Graphic Design Solutions offered a power point presentation that included examples of minor, moderate and major façade improvements. The difference between the old and new were noticeable and at times dramatic.

Streetscape design elements included the addition of trees, street furnishings, lighting alternatives, shade elements, public art locations, and other elements.

After extensive comments and feedback from the committee, the guidelines and plan will be revised and presented in a final format at the Sept. 10 BVAC meeting.

From there, the guidelines and plan will be examined at the Sept. 18 Planning Commission Study Session, followed by public hearings at the Oct. 9 and 28 Planning Commission meetings, at which time the guidelines and plan could be adopted.

streetscape before streetscape after

[Balboa Village as it currently looks, and a rendering from the RRM Design Group presentation with landscaping added]