Commission Presents Cultural Arts Grants

(left to right): Jonathan Terry, Pacific Symphony; Vina Spiehler, Baroque Music Festival; Doug Vogel, Laguna Playhouse; Wayan Kaufman, Arts Commission; Ron Dufault, Philharmonic Society of Orange County; Arlene Greer, Chair, Arts Commission; Michelle Bendetti, Arts Commission; Raymond Jacobs, Kontrapunktus; Marie Little, Arts Commission; Maureen Flanagan, Arts Commission; Penny Rodheim, Balboa Island Improvement Association; Patricia Brill, Baroque Music Festival; Denise Dion-Scoyni, Chuck Jones Center for Creativity; Richard and Brie-Ann Robinson and family, Newport Elementary School Foundation; Alex Wang, South Coast Repertory

The Newport Beach City Arts Commission presented nine local organizations with Cultural Arts Grants ranging from $500 to $5,000 at the Commission meeting on Dec. 12.

Cultural Arts Grants, totaling $40,000, are awarded each year to qualified arts organizations with strong projects that enhance arts education and community programs for the citizens of Newport Beach.

The 2019-20 grants, recommended by Arts Commission and approved by the City Council, were presented by Arts Commission Chair Arlene Greer and Commissioner Wayan Kaufman to the following organizations:

  • Balboa Island Improvement Association
  • Baroque Music Festival, Corona del Mar
  • Chuck Jones Center for Creativity
  • Kontrapunktus Neo Baroque Chamber Orchestra
  • The Laguna Playhouse
  • Newport Elementary School Foundation
  • Pacific Symphony
  • Philharmonic Society of Orange County
  • South Coast Repertory

In order to qualify for a grant, each organization proposed specific arts education or enrichment programs to implement during the 2019-20 season.

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