Comic Con Invades San Diego


San Diego Comic Con was a smashing success for the 150,000 guests who attended and the countless thousands who roamed the Gas Lamp District and Convention Center areas. Myriads of Cos Players (folks wearing the costume of their favorite heroes, villains  or comic book characters) were in their creative glory and strutted their stuff in spite of the sweltering heat. Special events included the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Star Trek at Comic Con. Those playing Pokémon Go  managed to get through the event without running into trains or hungry Walking Dead. All in all another spectacular event for people of all ages who enjoyed a weekend of fantasy and good cheer.

— All photos by Lawrence Sherwin ©

CosPlayer 1 CosPlayer 2 DogsAreWelcome GoodWitch KidsEnjoyingComicConSharkNado SteampunkGentleman TheRightAttitude
