Coastal Fashion: The Beauty of Acupuncture


accupunctureFeeling stressed from the holidays? What if there was a way to eliminate that stress and the aches and pains that comes with it?

There is a way: acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a holistic approach to health that has been proven effective for thousands of years and continues to grow in popularity. The practice uses small needles on select areas of skin to help increase circulation and recharge and energize the body. By increasing circulation it helps restore your body to how it should be functioning.

As a chronic migraine sufferer who has tried everything from daily medications to meditation to chiropractic care, I was very open to another approach.

I went to Dantian Fitness and Wellness Studio in Costa Mesa to try acupuncture, and was amazed at the results of just one acupuncture session. It completely eliminated all of my different types of headaches for an entire week. The clarity I felt is difficult to explain, so let’s just call it miraculous.

With stress at an all time high during the holiday season, this is the perfect time to try something new that can help reduce the effects of stress and keep you looking healthy and beautiful.

I recently sat down with California board-certified acupuncturist and herbalist, David Phelps, from Dantian Fitness and Wellness Studio in Costa Mesa, to learn more about the practice and its benefits.

Phelps has been studying Chinese medicine and acupuncture for over 10 years. He has a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a Nationally Certified Diplomat in Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. Highly qualified and with a friendly disposition, he really cares about his patients’ well-being utilizing a balance between acupuncture, herbs, nutrition and exercise.

One of the things I enjoyed most about talking with David was his understanding of both the holistic and conventional side of medicine and therapy as well as his ability to explain everything thoroughly and in a manner that appealed to my practical side.

Basically, I learned that acupuncture is about removing a blockage that causes the oxygen and nutrients in the blood to circulate how it should, which heals the body from within.

The first session is about 90 minutes, and starts with completing a health assessment so Phelps can create a treatment plan that involves acupuncture as well as suggested diet, exercise and herbal remedies.

“Acupuncture is a powerful practice used to maintain long-term health,” Phelps told me.

Follow up treatments last about an hour, and include a short discussion of your current health issues and achievements, followed by 45 minutes of acupuncture.

The initial consultation and treatment is $195. Follow up treatments are $85. David also offers free 30-minute consultations to access your needs are and if acupuncture is right for you.

Along with Acupuncture, Dantian offers fitness classes, beauty treatments, hypnotherapy and more. For more information visit or call (714) 668-0600.