Coastal Commission Seeks Public Input on Next Executive Director

A screen shot of the California Coastal Commission public input survey for the search for the new executive director.
A screen shot of the California Coastal Commission public input survey for the search for the new executive director.

The California Coastal Commission is seeking the public’s input for a new executive director.

In an effort to include public comments in the process, CCC has posted an online survey about what residents would like to see in the next person to fill the top spot.

Survey takers are asked to list the five priorities or projects they would like the next executive director address in his or her first year of service.

The questionnaire also asks participants to name five professional and five personal characteristics they deem to be the most important for the position. It also asks if there are any other particular stakeholders or individuals that they should contact in regard to the position, either as potential candidates or referral sources, and/or to gain particular insight regarding the agency and position.

The survey page also includes a timeline of the process with links to the relating documents, including the latest status update staff report from Aug. 26.

In February, the CCC voted 7-5 during a closed session to dismiss former executive director Charles Lester. The public hearing portion of the meeting included many hours of discussion and hundreds of public speakers, mostly in support of Lester.

Lester’s firing raised concerns by environmentalists, including a number of Banning Ranch project opponents. A key concern was that the move indicated the commission was more accommodating to developers looking to build along the California coastline.

Senior Deputy Director Jack Ainsworth has been acting executive director.

Commissioners and CCC staff have also been asked about their desired attributes for the next executive director.

The Commission will discuss revised recruitment materials at the October 2016 meeting, offering another opportunity for public comment. After the October meeting, the recruitment materials will be finalized and the official recruitment period will open in late October or early November.

To take the survey, visit